A.Who may avail of the service?

    All concessionaires of SANTA IGNACIA WATER DISTRICT.


B. What are the requirements?

     Statement of Account(SOA) and cash cheque payment


C. When can the service be availed?

     Monday to Friday; 8:00am to 5:00pm no lunch break.


    DURATION: 10 minutes


D. About the service

       Pay your Water bill on or before due date indicated in your statement of account (SOA). A penalty of 10% will be  added to an overdue current bill. Service may be discontinued if payment is not made after due date.


E. How to avail of the service?

Client Service Provider Duration of Activity In-Charge   Forms
1.      Present received Statement of Account (SOA) and inform the cashier if payment is for total amount due or for partial payment.

Accept payment and issue an Official Receipt (OR)

10 minutes

Cashiering Assistant

  Statement of
Account (SOA) /
Official Receipt (OR)