A. Who may avail of the service?

     All concessionnaires of STA. IGNACIA WATER DISTRICT.

B. What are the requirements?

     Full payment of accounts plus reconnection fee.

C. When can the service be availed?

     Monday to Friday; 8:00am to 5:00pm without noon break. 

     DURATION: one (1) hour and 30 minutes

D. About the service

         Temporary Service Reconnection request is done when all accounts are fully paid and approved for installation.

E. How to avail of the service?


Client Service Provider Duration of Activity In-Charge   Forms
1.      Go to Customer Service and request for temporary Service Reconnection



Determine the fee of reconnection and prepare the SOA and forward it to the cashier. Fill up the Service Request form and forward it to the Engineering Aide.

20  minutes

Customer Service Assistant

Statement of Account
Maintenance Order
Service Request
2.      Proceed to the cashier and pay all accounts.

Accept payment and issue an Offcial Receipt (OR)

10 minutes Cashiering Assistant   Official Receipt
3.      End of transaction

Process request for approval

20 minutes Engineering Aide/ General Manager       Requisition and
    Issue Slip (RIS)/
   Receiving Report

Implement Reconnection

40 minutes Water Maintenance Man           Approved
          RR and
 End of Transaction